Updates-Yes me again, I have decided to make a trance/techno mp3 site, I don't any set ideas yet, so if you have any suggestions please email me.

Updates----> Hello, ill try to put the movies up and the soundtrack up sometime, but with school and i not much time...I'm thinking of making another site after this one..and suggestions, like mp3s(i have over 5k of them) warez, or games like Final Fantasy, Escaflowne, or anything I would love your input...and please visit my friends site....The Ghost...Another thing, im on napster alot, if you have napigator, go to the tracne server( and go into the techno chat, and i should be in there.


Updates---->Well, I just started this page... I will update it a lot.... as u can see on the left frame is what I will have on this page...



                                                  Copyright by Alias0ne/ Warner Brothers 1999-2000

                   If you have any comments on this site, things that I need to change, or need something email me please!